Wednesday, September 28, 2011

6. Eggcellent Beginnings!

Wow! I can't believe this is my first post since returning home. I've been back from Guate since...March? April?? It seems like it's been ages ago!

So...let's commence!

 Chuck Norris approves. (Image from the film Dodgeball, 2004)
After becoming slightly (and lovingly) "gordita" during my last visit to Guate, I've decided to be nicer to my body and eat healthier, which involves smaller portions of HEALTHY (yet delicious) food, five or six times a day. Now, my big challenge was how to do this and still get the right nutrients I need, especially calcium and protein. Commence, Easy Fix #1: EGGS.

I took part of the morning today to pay respect to one of nature's most delicious sources of protein.  I discovered an easy way to make them a part of my daily diet...I boiled them. Now I can chop them up and use them in fresh spinach salads, one of my FAVORITE uses of eggs. Stay tuned for photos and recipes of my eggcellent concoctions!

Show some respect to our friend, the egg, today! What is your favorite way to use eggs? What other healthy sources of protein do you recommend?

Make today one filled with joy!

<3 Keri

Monday, February 7, 2011

5. Living the Truth

Yesterday was my day off.  I decided to start with the usual sleep in until 9:00 a.m., followed by some online work and a lovely chat with my friend J'Love.  Then ran some errands and decided to take myself out on a date to the movies...again.

Now, unlike many, I like being able to sit and enjoy a good movie on my own, nestled in my small little world with my Junior Mints and poporopos.  Granted, it is always nice to share that experience with someone else, but when you don't have that, enjoy being on your own! Milk it for what it's worth.

Anyway, I decided to see the film 127 Hours in the Cinépolis VIP theater at Oakland Mall. All of you back in the States, you are missing out!  This was my third or fourth time as a VIP (haha) filmgoer, and I just had to share the experience with you all.

THIS is the VIP experience:

Photo from

You sit in the comfort of your own leather La-Z-Boy recliner, complete with your own waiter, who will serve you anything from popcorn and candy to sushi and gourmet sandwiches to alcoholic drinks.  And this experience costs no more than the price of a regular movie in the States.  I love Guatemala.

Now, let's talk about the movie.  Let's just say I was not too impressed.  There was nothing that really drew me in to the story...besides my shared love of rock climbing with the protagonist.  After the last movie a saw (Love and Other Drugs...a surprisingly amazing, emotionally moving film!), this was a huge disappointment.  I did end up walking away with a new thought, however...

What do you love in your life? Which things are the most important? Try to live every day as if this is the truth.

So it's good that I walked away with a new life philosophy, but overall, I don't recommend this film.  Well, at least I had my La-Z-Boy and caramel popcorn...  

Oh, and more to come on Love and Other Drugs.